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PREMIUM으로 즐기자!

Have you been hesitating because of the price?
Now's your chance!

Don't miss out
on the biggest sale of the year

30% SALE

멤버십 플랜

An unprecedented Korean Liberation Day

commemorative discount you'll regret missing!

Sign up for a PREMIUM or FAMILY plan

and get a 30% discount now.

Only for 10 days!


Period: August 12th ~ 21st 

How to participate:

1. Select the PREMIUM or FAMILY plan on the membership page.

2. Enter the coupon code below on the payment page.


Coupon code: odkorea2024



Unlimited viewing of all broadcast content and movies without ads!

Customer Service

Phone: 855 - 720 - 2203


Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 1.09.19 PM.png

* This discount will be applied on the next renewal date of your membership.

* This discount is applicable only once. 

* Your membership will be automatically charged using the saved payment method.

* You can cancel the renewal at any time on your account page, but please note that payments already made are non-refundable. You can check detailed payment information through the invoice sent to your email. 

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ODK Box 플랜 및 혜택
  • $19.99/월 + 배송비 $10 첫 달 $6.99 + 무료 배송 (77% off)
  • $239.88/연 + 배송비 $10 첫 해 $180 + 무료 배송 (28% off)
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  • ODK Box 단말기 + 리모콘 포함
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